Customer Stories
20 min read
Published on
November 7, 2023

The Gut-Brain Connection: How Hormones Influence Our Hunger and Fullness

Gut-brain connection and hormones

Exploring Hormonal Influence on Hunger

Key Points

  • The gut-brain axis is a vital communication network between our digestive system and brain, helping to regulate energy levels and maintain overall well-being.
  • The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in relaying messages about our energy needs from the gut to the brain.
  • Special cells in the gut have extensions that reach out to the vagus nerve, creating a fast track for signals to the brain.
  • Recent research using optogenetics has shown that the gut can trigger the reward centers in the brain, influencing cravings and food pleasures.
  • Hormones released by the gut influence hunger and fullness, with specialized cells producing hormones that signal satisfaction to the brain while ghrelin from the stomach signals hunger.
  • The hypothalamus in the brain plays a crucial role in regulating hunger and satiety, with POMC neurons releasing a hormone that signals fullness and AgRP/NPY neurons releasing chemicals that stimulate hunger.
  • Hormones like insulin and leptin inform the brain about energy reserves and suppress hunger, while ghrelin from the stomach increases appetite.
  • The intestines also produce hormones that influence hunger and digestion, such as CCK, GLP-1, GIP, and PYY.
  • The brain’s reward system links the need for nutrients with pleasure, making eating enjoyable.
  • Understanding these mechanisms can provide insights into issues like obesity and eating disorders.

Gut-Brain Connection: The Key to Our Body’s Energy Balance

The gut-brain axis is a vital communication network between our digestive system and brain, helping regulate our energy levels.

Gut-Brain Connection

Through a two-way exchange involving nervous and systemic pathways, it keeps the brain updated on our body’s energy needs, ensuring we maintain a healthy balance 1.

This fascinating interplay is crucial for our overall well-being.

Decoding the Gut-Brain Connection: How Our Digestive System Talks to Our Brain

Imagine your gastrointestinal tract not just as a food processor, but as a sophisticated communication hub, nicknamed our ‘second brain.’

This ‘second brain‘ talks to our actual brain using the gut-brain connection, a network so complex it can influence how full we feel and what we choose to eat 2.

The conversation within this network happens through pathways where the vagus nerve is a star player.

It’s like a highway of information running from the gut to the brainstem, and from there to the brain itself, relaying messages about our energy levels 3 4.

Picture the vagus nerve as a sensor-studded road, where hormone receptors along the way can detect different signals—like how stretched your stomach is or how many nutrients are present.

Interestingly, not too long ago, scientists discovered that special cells in our gut have arm-like extensions reaching out to the vagus nerve, creating a fast track for signals to our brain, making our response to food intake incredibly swift 5 6.

Even more fascinating is recent research using optogenetics, a technique that uses light to control cells, showing that our gut can trigger the reward centers in the brain, helping explain cravings and food pleasures.

This groundbreaking study reveals the vagus nerve’s critical role in sending ‘reward’ signals to the brain, affecting not just hunger, but our food desires 7 .

Understanding this gut-brain dialogue not only fascinates us but can lead to new ways to manage diet and health, showing just how much our ‘second brain‘ influences our daily lives.

Gut-Brain Connection

The Gut-Brain Connection: Our Internal Communication Network

Our gut does more than digest food; it’s a powerhouse of communication with our brain, known as the gut-brain connection.

This system is lined with specialized cells that release hormones influencing our hunger and fullness.

After eating, these cells produce hormones like GLP-1 and CCK, which tell our brain we’re satisfied, while ghrelin from the stomach signals hunger 8.

Together, they form a network that not only controls appetite but also communicates with other organs, making the gut a major endocrine player 9.

Understanding the Gut-Brain Connection in Eating Habits

Our eating habits are managed by a balancing act within our body.

The gut-brain connection plays a key role, in ensuring we eat enough for energy via a process called homeostatic control 10. But there’s more—our brain’s reward system often pushes us toward ‘pleasure eating,’ especially sugary or fatty ‘palatable food’ 11.

While traditionally, weight stability has focused on this energy balance, the lure of today’s abundant high-calorie foods can overpower it, leading many researchers to point to our craving for pleasure as a pivotal factor in obesity 12.

Homeostatic Control of Our Eating Habits: The Gut-Brain Connection

Have you ever considered why we eat the amount we do, or what governs our hunger and fullness?

Behind the simple act of eating lies a complex network involving our gut and brain, often referred to as the “Gut-Brain Connection.”

Let’s take a dive into the science behind this fascinating system that keeps our energy levels balanced and plays a crucial role in our overall health.

The Hypothalamus: The Conductor of Appetite Control

At the heart of our hunger control lies a tiny but powerful brain region known as the hypothalamus.

Imagine it as a bustling control center, directing signals to regulate our appetite Joly-Amado et al., 2014 13 .

Within the hypothalamus, specific areas like the arcuate nucleus (Arc) are populated with neurons acting like on-and-off switches for our hunger.

Two key types of neurons are at play here: one set releases Agouti-related protein (AgRP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY),

which make us hungry, while another set releases pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and cocaine-amphetamine-related transcript (CART), which signal fullness 14.

They work in tandem, much like rivals, keeping each other in check to maintain our energy balance..

When POMC neurons fire up, they release a hormone that latches onto receptors in another part of the hypothalamus, the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), telling our body that we’ve had enough to eat.

The opposite happens when AgRP/NPY neurons get activated; they release their own chemicals, prompting hunger 15.

The Third Ventricle: A Window for Hunger Signals

These hypothalamic regions sit near a passage in the brain called the third ventricle, where the blood-brain barrier is more like a sieve.

It’s through this sieve that hunger and fullness signals from our body can reach the Arc and PVN, where receptors for various appetite-related hormones are waiting to be triggered 16.

Gut-Brain Connection

Peripheral Signals: The Body’s Hunger Messengers

Hormones like insulin and leptin serve as messengers, informing the brain about our current energy reserves.

Insulin, although primarily known for regulating blood sugar, also communicates with the hypothalamus to curb our appetite17.

Leptin, produced by our fat cells, conveys how much fat we have stored, similarly suppressing hunger 18.

In contrast, ghrelin, primarily made in the stomach, ignites our appetite, affecting the same Arc neurons to signal that it’s time to eat 19.

The Intestinal Cast: Beyond Digestion

Our intestines do more than just digest food; they produce their own set of hormones that influence our brain’s hunger circuit.

Cholecystokinin (CCK), secreted when we eat fats and proteins, triggers fullness 20 21.

GLP-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) also join this chorus, with GLP-1 playing a dual role in signaling satiety and in regulating our blood sugar levels 22 23.

PYY, another gut hormone, is released post-fat intake, further amplifying the ‘stop eating’ signals24 25 Acuna-Goycolea and van den Pol, 2005.

The Systemic Pathway: When Hunger Meets Pleasure

Our appetite is not just about keeping the energy balance.

It’s also influenced by the brain’s reward system, which links the need for nutrients with pleasure.

The lateral hypothalamus (LH) serves as a bridge between the balance-keeping and pleasure-seeking parts of our brain, sending signals to reward centers that make eating enjoyable 26.

Beyond Satiety: The Gut’s Role in Digestion and Beyond

It’s not just about feeling full; gut hormones are multitaskers.

They regulate how quickly food leaves the stomach and how well the intestines move, ensuring a smooth digestive process.

They also influence how other organs, like the pancreas and gallbladder, contribute to digestion27 28.

Gut-Brain Connection

Conclusion: A Harmony of Signals

Our eating behavior is the result of a symphony of signals between our gut and brain.

Hormones play a key role as messengers, ensuring that our energy intake matches our body’s needs.

This complex interplay maintains our energy balance and impacts our mood, and even our long-term health.

Understanding these mechanisms not only sheds light on the marvels of human biology but also paves the way for addressing issues like obesity, eating disorders, and other metabolic conditions..

For those intrigued by the details, delving into the research and understanding the molecular players can be a fulfilling pursuit.

After all, the journey to understanding our eating habits can be as enriching as enjoying a good meal!

Unraveling the Gut-Brain Connection: How Our Cravings Go Beyond Hunger

The Dance of Desire: Beyond Basic Hunger

The allure of a decadent slice of chocolate cake or the aroma of freshly baked bread triggers something within us that goes beyond the basic need to eat.

It’s a complex interaction between our senses and our brain, a process not solely rooted in the body’s need for nutrients but also intertwined with pleasure and desire.

This is the realm of non-homeostatic food intake, where our senses of taste, smell, texture, and sight intertwine, driving us to eat for sheer pleasure 29 30.

From Survival to Overindulgence: The Evolution of Eating

Historically, this reward system was critical for our ancestors, guiding them to high-energy foods that helped them survive.

In modern times, however, with an abundance of palatable foods, this same system can lead to overeating and obesity 31.

The discovery of this reward system’s neurological underpinnings began with Olds and Milner (1954), who identified specific rewarding sites in rat brains.

The pathway in question involves dopaminergic neurons in the VTA projecting to the striatum and prefrontal cortex 32

, along with interconnected structures like the amygdala and hippocampus 33.

Dopamine: The Driver of Desire

Central to this system is dopamine, a neurotransmitter that drives both food and drug rewards 34.

Blocking this pathway can dampen the response to food rewards 35, highlighting dopamine’s pivotal role in the reward experience.

The synthesis of dopamine is a two-step process, beginning with the conversion of tyrosine to DOPA, followed by its transformation into dopamine itself.

Once released into the synaptic space, dopamine is either recaptured or degraded, with its balance being critical to its function in the reward system.

A Symphony of Neurotransmitters

Alongside dopamine, GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons, as well as opioid and endocannabinoid systems, contribute to the reward processes 36 Di Marzo et al., 2009.

Together, these elements encode the psychological components of food intake: wanting, liking, and learning.

Wanting: The Motivation to Indulge

‘Wanting’ is the motivation that drives us to seek out rewards.

This is particularly strong during the appetitive phase, where we make an effort to obtain a particular food, and it can fluctuate with our physiological state—for instance, increasing when we’re hungry 37.

In humans, this motivation can be measured through tasks that involve working for rewarding food, like computer games 38.

In rodents, it’s assessed by how hard they’ll work, such as pressing a lever to obtain food 39..

Liking: The Pleasure Principle

‘Liking’ refers to the pleasure derived from consuming food, which is active during the consummatory phase.
This is how we discriminate between palatable and neutral food, guiding our choices based on pleasure 40 41 .

In research, humans self-report their preferences, while animals’ facial reactions can provide clues about their liking for certain foods 42.

Learning: The Association of Pleasure and Cues

Learning is about creating associations between stimuli and the pleasure of eating, influencing future ‘wanting.’

It’s a stable component over time that aids in making informed choices based on past experiences with food 43.

Obesity and the Reward System

Research has revealed that obesity is linked to a dysregulation of this reward system.

In obese individuals, studies have shown a decrease in dopamine, its receptors, and an increase in the dopamine transporter—suggesting an altered ‘wanting’ component 44 45.

Moreover, obese individuals exhibit decreased striatal activation in response to food rewards, akin to drug addiction 46 .

Genetic factors, such as the TaqIA A1 allele polymorphism, can also influence these reward processes, seen in variations in DRD2 receptors in the striatum.

Gut-Brain Connection

Conclusion: A Delicate Balance

The gut-brain axis represents a sophisticated and delicate balance of systems that influence our relationship with food.

Understanding this interplay may pave the way for better interventions in diet-related disorders, such as obesity.

The challenge remains in managing the desire and pleasure of eating within a world of plenty without compromising our health and well-being.


  • The gut-brain connection is a complex network involving the vagus nerve and specialized cells in the gut that communicate with the brain.
  • Optogenetics research has shown that the gut can trigger the reward centers in the brain, influencing cravings and food pleasures.
  • Hormones released by the gut, such as ghrelin, insulin, leptin, CCK, GLP-1, GIP, and PYY, play a role in hunger and fullness regulation.
  • The hypothalamus in the brain plays a crucial role in regulating hunger and satiety through POMC and AgRP/NPY neurons.
  • The brain’s reward system links the need for nutrients with pleasure, making eating enjoyable.
  • Understanding the gut-brain connection can provide insights into obesity and eating disorders.


  • The gut-brain axis is a delicate balance that influences our relationship with food.
  • A better understanding of this connection may lead to improved interventions for diet-related disorders like obesity.
  • Managing the desire and pleasure of eating while maintaining health and well-being remains a challenge.

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